Monday, April 6, 2009

SF starts first phase of 'the operation'

We mentioned that a special operation of SLA was on its way in the post published on 3rd April (
BREAKING NEWS-Special Forces operation to commence soon).Now we have recieved news that the first phase of the operation has already started.This does not involve a lot of fighting between the military and the LTTE.We believe that our intelligent readers understand the nature of the first phase of a special operation.As we mentioned in the previous post it is conducted by troops of SF2.But there is a chance that other SF brigades will be introduced depending on the requirement.Further details will be not revieled due to their sensitive nature.Our readers had blamed us for publishing too much details in the earlier post.But what we at CeylonDefence have to say is that our readers got the wrong idea because we refrained from publishing more details on it.

In the PTK battlefront the number of LTTE dead bodies collected has risen to 525 while a few more senior leaders of the LTTE have been identified among the dead according to Army sources.Troops are further clearing the area while constructing defenses facing the Civilian Safety Zone(CSZ).A large number of LTTE cadres had also surrendered to the SLA unable to face the forces.Military is expecting to discover a large haul of weapons from the recently liberated area.

In the CSZ terrorists are fast losing grip on civilians as their manpower has reduced in large numbers and also due to the fact that a number of senior cadres have perished in the recent battle.So the number of civilians entering government control territory is believed to swell in the coming days due to the above mentioned fact and also the special operation.


Sam Perera said...

||::Ceylon Defence::||,

Anybody who loves our country and appreciate what our forces do shall not be asking for things that can prepare the enemy to face our attacks. My rule is that I don't want to hear what I do not need to know. For sure, the news that we kicked the crap out of terrorists or why we were caught unprepared are somethings I would like to hear.

knight said...

Thnx CD!...:)

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Mexico will not support LTTP

Following talks in Mexico City between Foreign Secretary, Dr Palitha Kohona and senior Mexican government officials, including Vice Minister Gomez-Robledo, Mexico has reassured Sri Lanka of its firm support at international fora, including the UN Security Council. Mexico is holding the presidency of the Security Council in April.

Mexico confirmed that they do not have any intention of permitting the Sri Lankan situation to be placed on the Security Council agenda, as it does not pose a threat to international peace and security.

Dr. Kohona explained how the LTTE had cleverly 'herded' thousands of civilians into the tiny no-fire-zone in the north east of Sri Lanka, while pulling back its combatants and weapons also into it with the intention of sheltering behind this human shield and using these thousands of human hostages to save itself. He repeated the call of the Government to the LTTE to let these hostages go (which will automatically result in a cessation of hostilities) and lay down their weapons for the sake of the civilians. The Mexican authorities expressed their understanding of the dilemma confronting Sri Lanka in view the fiendish circumstances deliberately manipulated by the LTTE and offered to do all possible to bring the civilians out to safety.

Mexico also expressed its appreciation of the large quantities of food and medical relief supplies being sent by the Government to the people held hostage by the LTTE with the assistance of the UN and the ICRC. Dr. Kohona also provided a detailed briefing on the processing procedures for IDPs escaping from the LTTE, the raft of relief measures being undertaken to make their lives easier in the relief villages, the access provided to NGOs and INGOs, the continuing engagement with UN officials, the advanced planning for the early return of IDPs to their own villages and towns, including demining and the ongoing work to re-establish inclusive democracy in the North.

The Mexican authorities saw the parallels between their own experience in Chiapas and the negative impact of a cleverly manipulated propaganda machine. They also expressed hope for deepening and strengthening the bilateral relationship, including through the exchange of high level visits.

Sam Perera said...


We shall not vote for Mexico because they acted the pawns of UK and US in previous two times when it came to UNSC meeting. In addition, we have no interest in Mexico at all. I believe that we shall vote another country who is more willing to resist meddling with sovereign countries.

Unknown said...


Are you on a gag order or what....keep the posts coming!!