Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prabhakaran plans mass murder of civilians -by Ogre

LTTE now plans to commit mass murder. They have approximately 12,000 civilians all in explosive wired tents surrounded by Prabhakarans main bunker complex in Vellamullivaikal south east. There is a small lagoon between the land and main lagoon. This region was heavily bombed by our air force about 3 days ago for almost 10 hours. VP may be dead as most of his cadre, but even if there is anyone left they will not let us find the truth. They are trying to take 12,000 civilians with them to the grave.

We will try to put up UAV for monitoring but flying over that 2 mile area is not possible 24 hours.

Posted by Ogre at DefenceWire.Some contents of this are edited due to obvious reasons.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BREAKING NEWS-SLA has commenced operations

Sri Lanka Army has commenced operations to rescue the remaining civilians held hostage by the LTTE in the southern area of the CSZ.According the news received so far offencive divisions have advanced about 800m southwards from Valayarmadam since the begining of operations today morning..Await an update later today with more information.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Second Phase or the main phase of SF operation begins!!

The first phase of the Special Operation conducted by troops of SF1 which started around 1 am yesterday was completed at around 9 am after it was declared successful.Civilians started to burst out of the CSZ at first light yesterday.Approximately 35000 civilians who were held hostage by the LTTE inside the CSZ broke out of it as a result of the SF op.Another 5000 came out from other sides including the sea.This operation was assited by the 58th division which was located closest to the borders of the safe zone.The elite brigade attched to it,the Commando 2(CR2) brigade played a vital role in this mission.However the main op was conducted by the SF1 troops.

At about 2 am SF1 troops and CR2 troops crept towards the earth bund situated in the western border of the CSZ.They were equipped with sophisticated weapons never used in the Wanni Operation before even by SF troops themselves and also the intelligence collected by UAVs and spies in the CSZ.An undisclosed number of SF 2 troops who operated inside the safe zone provided support to these troops.Though much details cannot be revieled yet we were informed that they did a great job which prevented a lot of civilian casualties.The main group of Special Forces soldeirs used snipers a lot along with their standard guns(SMGs,AK47,MGLs).At about 9 30 am SF 1 and CR 2 troops who entered the safe zone returned to GoSL area while the rest,well stayed behind.SF casualties stand at 36 including 17 KIA.

We have not yet recieved information on when the troops will commence operations again.But according to some sources it will commence tonight or tommorow.It is not yet confirmed.But there's a probability that it will start in another few days,most probably within this week.

The military believes that another 25000-30000 civilians are trapped inside the safe zone.Clearing of the CSZ by the main divisions will start after 60%-75% of the civilians left inside are rescued by special ops.

Monday, April 13, 2009

SLA to stick to 'The Plan'


Today GoSL announced that SLA units will go defensive as a measure to enable the civilians trapped in the CSZ to 'celebrate' their new year in a suitable atmosphere.The government said that they would pause all offensives to allow free movement of civilians in the CSZ and out of it.This has raised concern whether the government is doing this because of some international pressure as it is obvious that it is not the reason the government say it to be.But we would like to firmly tell our readers that this is all part of 'the plan.GoSL will never turn its course until the war is over.They have come all this way with a single motive and will not look back until its accomplished.
                                                                                                                                      As I revealed in my earlier post(BREAKING NEWS-Special Forces operation to commence soon) the Special Operation is not meant to be a civilian rescue operation.But the possibility of it to turn out to one,I didn't rule out as stated in that post.So the decisive time has come.If the LTTE release civilians during this period,which is very unlikely to happen things will turn out to be good for Sri Lanka.However even if LTTE do this the SF operation will continue.If not after the pause SLA infantry units will commence operations inside the CSZ simultaneously with the Special Forces operation.When the main phase of the SF operation starts it is very likely to finish within 1 week or less completing all offensives by freeing all the civilians as well as capturing the LTTE leaders including VP(If we are lucky).

Currently the 59th division is operating in the outskirts of the CSZ after crossing the causeway north of Mullative, the 53rd,58th in the western borders as close as 50 m at some points while the 55th is operating about 400 m outside the CSZ.From about 100m south of the FDL of  55th division civilians can been seen although that area does not include the CSZ.The special forces units of the 55th division are operating behind enemy lines.

Although a pause is in operation the Special operation is still going on as it cannot be paused due to its nature.So it is foolish to think that this humanitarian pause declared by the government will bring adverse effects to the overall  military operations.As I mentioned earlier it is all part of the plan.

Monday, April 6, 2009

SF starts first phase of 'the operation'

We mentioned that a special operation of SLA was on its way in the post published on 3rd April (
BREAKING NEWS-Special Forces operation to commence soon).Now we have recieved news that the first phase of the operation has already started.This does not involve a lot of fighting between the military and the LTTE.We believe that our intelligent readers understand the nature of the first phase of a special operation.As we mentioned in the previous post it is conducted by troops of SF2.But there is a chance that other SF brigades will be introduced depending on the requirement.Further details will be not revieled due to their sensitive nature.Our readers had blamed us for publishing too much details in the earlier post.But what we at CeylonDefence have to say is that our readers got the wrong idea because we refrained from publishing more details on it.

In the PTK battlefront the number of LTTE dead bodies collected has risen to 525 while a few more senior leaders of the LTTE have been identified among the dead according to Army sources.Troops are further clearing the area while constructing defenses facing the Civilian Safety Zone(CSZ).A large number of LTTE cadres had also surrendered to the SLA unable to face the forces.Military is expecting to discover a large haul of weapons from the recently liberated area.

In the CSZ terrorists are fast losing grip on civilians as their manpower has reduced in large numbers and also due to the fact that a number of senior cadres have perished in the recent battle.So the number of civilians entering government control territory is believed to swell in the coming days due to the above mentioned fact and also the special operation.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SLA goes for the kill-460 LTTE bodies recovered so far

After the troops of the 58th division and the 53rd met at the Pachchapulmodai junction,cutting off supply routes over 650 LLTE cadres were trapped in an area of about 1.5km2.Even at the time of capture troops who observed tigers moving in vehicles across the junction destroyed a few vehicles using RPG-7s.After restricting the tigers from escaping into the CSZ the SLA formed FDLs manned by troops of the Special Forces 1,2 and Commando 2 attached to the 58 division.Gen.Fonseka who saw the valuable catch took the operation to his hands and patiently waited,fortifying the defences with special units to prevent the escape of a single cadre.At first hard core cadres trapped in the zone tried to break through the FDL.But they were engaged by the SF units.Though the tiger unit consisting of a few leaders first expected reinforcements to arrive from the CSZ as promised by their senior leadership,such a thing did not materialize.So the demoralized cadres desperately fired shells from the artillery guns until their supplies dwindled,with no result.The special units started their movement for the kill today morning with CAS from fighter jets to annihilate the remaining pockets of tigers.We also received news that the Air Mobile brigade has also been called for the operation.As of now troops have been able to find 250 bodies of LTTE cadres including some senior leaders to raise the number of bodies collected to 460 in the last 3 days.Troops have also uncovered 4 artillery guns so far from this area(including the 1 destroyed by SLAF) and a large haul of weapons.LTTE casualty figures are expected to rise to more than 600 after the area in full cleared.Troops have also gone close to the borders of the safe zone.Exodus is expected soon(depending on the SF ops)More weapons are also expected to be recovered.So folks light your crackers and stay tuned for more info.Its the time for the KILL!

Friday, April 3, 2009

BREAKING NEWS-Special Forces operation to commence soon

We have now received news that the long awaited SF mission will commence at an undisclosed time between Monday or Tuesday.However according to the news received so far this will not be a civilian rescue mission as anticipated by most.But we can not rule out the possibility of a civilian rescue mission if things do not work out as planned.This will be conducted to soften up the LTTE  defenses as well as to take high profile targets(mostly tier 2).The special operation will be done by troops of SF2.They will call for for air support to take out strong points when needed.Actually they will be only confirming the targets observed through air surveillance by UAVs.But the military fear that it will be impossible to take them due to high civilian concentrations.So SF troops will be creating a background suitable to destroy these strategic points.Exact details of the mission cannot be revealed due to obvious reasons.But we will surely give our readers the possible information as soon as we get them.Stay tuned!