Monday, April 20, 2009

Second Phase or the main phase of SF operation begins!!

The first phase of the Special Operation conducted by troops of SF1 which started around 1 am yesterday was completed at around 9 am after it was declared successful.Civilians started to burst out of the CSZ at first light yesterday.Approximately 35000 civilians who were held hostage by the LTTE inside the CSZ broke out of it as a result of the SF op.Another 5000 came out from other sides including the sea.This operation was assited by the 58th division which was located closest to the borders of the safe zone.The elite brigade attched to it,the Commando 2(CR2) brigade played a vital role in this mission.However the main op was conducted by the SF1 troops.

At about 2 am SF1 troops and CR2 troops crept towards the earth bund situated in the western border of the CSZ.They were equipped with sophisticated weapons never used in the Wanni Operation before even by SF troops themselves and also the intelligence collected by UAVs and spies in the CSZ.An undisclosed number of SF 2 troops who operated inside the safe zone provided support to these troops.Though much details cannot be revieled yet we were informed that they did a great job which prevented a lot of civilian casualties.The main group of Special Forces soldeirs used snipers a lot along with their standard guns(SMGs,AK47,MGLs).At about 9 30 am SF 1 and CR 2 troops who entered the safe zone returned to GoSL area while the rest,well stayed behind.SF casualties stand at 36 including 17 KIA.

We have not yet recieved information on when the troops will commence operations again.But according to some sources it will commence tonight or tommorow.It is not yet confirmed.But there's a probability that it will start in another few days,most probably within this week.

The military believes that another 25000-30000 civilians are trapped inside the safe zone.Clearing of the CSZ by the main divisions will start after 60%-75% of the civilians left inside are rescued by special ops.


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Well done SLGO & SLA, SLAF, SLN.

knight said...

Thnx for de update...:)

KillerT said...

.........ORBAT updated!!!!!!!!!