Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Breaking News-Puthukudirippu has fallen


Sri Lanka Army which entered the Puthukudurippu town area are now conducting operations to take control over the town.SLA 58th division and the newly formed TF 8 entered the town after breaching the earth bund.Though the town is virtually under SLA ,pockets of terrorists are still offering resistance delaying the complete capture.We believe that the government will announce the fall as soon as the area is under full control.There have been high casualties for both sides during the confrontations that took place in the past few days.SLA has suffered as high as 600 casualties in the past 4 days fighting.Fortunately most are P3 and P2 (wounded).Yesterday alone, around 25 solders were killed in action.The civilian factor has contributed a lot to this.They have limited the use of heavy weapons as well as the rapid movement of soldiers.

We have received news that the military command is preparing to stop the offensive of normal infantry and bring in Special Forces and Commandos to the battlefield as soon as the army surrounds the Civilian Safety Zone(CSZ).The special units will conduct operations backed by normal infantry when this time comes.But this is still UNCONFIRMED.


Army sources reveal that PTK,the final bastion town of LTTE has fallen to SLA.Troops entered the town after breaking through the last FDL of the tigers this morning.Now the area is being cleared and the town will be declared captured tonight or tomorrow.More information will follow...


Lalith Kuruwita said...


Lalith Kuruwita said...



HUTHU KUDU !!!!!!!!!

pakaya said...


Anonymous said...

The homlist Singala girl is 100x better than the best look Tamil chick...proof...how many Sinhalese men marry Tamil women vs. Tamil men marry Singala woman...;-)

Pakaya you seem bitter

Anonymous said...

The homlist Singala girl is 100x better than the best look Tamil chick...proof...how many Sinhalese men marry Tamil women vs. Tamil men marry Singala woman...;-)

Pakaya you seem bitter

Shelly said...

Great job SLA

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{Susai's bunker captured - west of Puthukkudiyiruppu}}}

{{{LTTE leaders' luxury life exposed; a swimming pool was found }}}

CJ's balls were not yet found.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{US Ambassador in Sri Lanka Mr Robert O Blake made his voice public in Wellampitiya where he asked the LTTE to immediately release detained civilians and UN staff as it goes against the International Humanitarian Law. He also went on record saying that LTTE’s arbitrary recent detention of UN staff and its convoy in un-cleared areas was totally unacceptable. So did the UN in a strongly worded protest, conveyed to the LTTE earlier. }}}


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Wall street journal tells Sri Lanka not to stop the war now
(By Walter Jayawardhana)

Expressing its assertion against the Western opinion that the Sri Lankan war should be suspended, for the sake of trapped civilians, in a leading article, the Wall Street Journal said, among the few options Colombo is having the worst would be to stop the war now.

The leading article said, "The danger is that any let-up in the assault will give the Tigers time to regroup, thus extending the conflict and the civilian suffering even longer."

The editorial further said, ". A reminder of the danger the Tigers still can pose came with Friday's kamikaze aerial attack on Colombo with two small planes. That attack also casts doubt on the sincerity of the request for a cease-fire the Tigers issued Monday, especially since that proposal didn't include a promise to lay down their arms."

The Wall Street Journal further pointed out that the Tamil Tigers cannot be trusted to honour any of the promises they make as history would show: "Nor is there any guarantee the Tigers would honor a break in the fighting, let alone allow the civilians to leave. The last time a formal cease-fire was negotiated, in 2002, the Tigers spent the following four years violating it frequently. Tiger leaders must also be keenly aware that their human shields are their last remaining "defense" against a Sri Lankan army better equipped and trained than any in the country's modern history."

In no uncertain terms the newspaper argued: "The civil war has come at a high cost in Sri Lankan blood and treasure, a cost that may grow as this offensive reaches its conclusion. But the cost of stepping back from the fight would be higher still."

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Read the following article.

{{{UN nods ‘fight to the finish’
[TamilNet, Saturday, 28 February 2009, 04:04 GMT]
The position taken by UN Security Council Friday indicating no go beyond ‘hearing’, and the considerate briefing of John Holmes largely endorsing and trusting Colombo’s agenda and assurances for civilians, are read between the lines by international political observers as a ‘knowing wink’ at Colombo to pursue its offensive. Alternatively, the UN stance either paves way for intervention by interested powers outside of the UN or perhaps reveals an actuality that the UN can be shaken not when people face genocide, but only when ground realities endanger the Sri Lankan state, observers said.

While the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Tuesday called for a suspension of fighting and beginning of political discussions, John Holmes, Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, who briefed the Security Council Friday spoke of tackling underlying political issues only after the end of fighting.

“It appears that the UN Secretariat’s public call is undermined by a more private green light to the Sri Lankan military’s offensive in north Sri Lanka”, reported Inner City Press on Friday.

In British Parliament Wednesday, Liberal Democrat MP Edward Davey questioned British Foreign Secretary David Miliband why Britain’s representative in UN earlier failed to support a briefing on Sri Lanka while ministers in London call for ceasefire.

Miliband replied: “I am sorry to hear the hon. Gentleman talk in that way, because he knows that a failed resolution—one that faces a veto—is worse than no resolution at all, and it would strengthen precisely the forces that he and I oppose. I can assure him that our diplomats, whether in New York or in the region, are all working off the same script, which is one that has been set by the Prime Minister and me.”

The British silence at UN on Friday may mean that the UN Security Council is still not seasoned to consider the plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

At the beginning of the UN briefing Russia said that it is only a ‘one-time hearing’.

The permanent representative of US was not present during the briefing.

The British representative at UN, John Sawers, who earlier said that the LTTE’s long ‘blighting’ of Colombo should be brought to an end, neither demanded a presidential statement of the council after the briefing nor answered questions put on Sri Lanka by the media, according to Inner City Press.

Interestingly, John Holmes admitted his ‘knowing’ stance on events.

When asked by Inner City Press on reportedly mischievous translations he received while visiting civilians in Vavuniyaa, he replied, “you should credit me with enough intelligence to assess what people told me, surrounded by the military’s armed guards”.

Briefing to UN Security Council by Mr. John Holmes on February 27, 2007
Holmes briefed the UN on the variations in the number of the trapped civilians: Colombo claiming 70,000, UN estimating 200,000 and Tamil sources putting it to 300,000.

Colombo and its war-partner New Delhi claiming only 70,000 has evoked fear in Tamil circles that the bulk of the civilians may ‘disappear’ either in war or in screening, if things are allowed to continue in the same way.

On 18 February India’s Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee in a statement in the Indian parliament put the number of civilians at 70,000. }}}

Lalith Kuruwita said...




This is what UN Security Council Agreed yesterday.

{{{A strong focus should be on Tamil Tigers as they are not allowing civilians to go to safety, freely in Government controlled areas. There were reports that the LTTE has attacked and killed their own people trying to free themselves and go to government areas including a report about child suicide bombers being sent. They are also putting obstacles in the way of supplies and evacuations. Tigers should lay down arms to bring this conflict to an end.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{LTTE high-tech satellite communication center captured - west of Puthukudiirippu
Troops of 58 Division who have entered in to Puthukudiirippu town perimeter have found LTTE's high-tech satellite communication center yesterday, 27 February, while further advancing into the built-up area amidst stiff resistance of terrorists, military sources said.

Infantrymen of 10 Gajaba Regiment (10 GR) serving under 58 Division were able to located the LTTE's high-tech communication center having modern satellite relaying machines. It was located at west of Puthukudiirippu area.

Computers, computer accessories, switches, telephones which were believed to be used for international communication through satellite were also found from the scene, military sources said.

As troops encircled the LTTE's last remaining stronghold, Puthukudiirippu, terrorists had to withdraw from the area leaving behind this high-tech satellite relaying machines used for international communication.

Meanwhile, in fighting reported in north of Kombavil area LTTE terrorists suffered heavy damages, military sources said. 5 bodies of LTTE terrorists killed in hours long fighting were recovered along with 4 x T-56 weapons.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

This Ceylon Defence site seems to me as another LTTE operated site.

Cavet Emptor!