Sri Lanka Army has now begun the battle for the last LTTE bastion Puthukuduirippu(PTK).Sources reveal that forward elements of SLA has already entered the town and are in the process of neutralizing the enemy for the infantry to enter.The 58th division from the south and the south east,TF4 from the south west are participating in the battle.The 53rd division is also participating as a backup division.All these army formations provide a man power the LTTE who is left with only about 1000-1500 hardcore cadres cannot withstand.Although the army believes that PTK will fall within 3-4 days the LTTE will continue to fight as it would still dominate the jungles north of PTK.But we believe that the whole enemy territory would be cleared by the end of next month.
While the above mentioned divisions are advancing from the south the 55th division is advancing in a southerly direction south of Chalai.Although the security forces are in a hurry to clear the coast, progress has been halted mainly due to natural barriers.As in the above map the 55th division and a part of the 59th division are both facing 2 water patches which have halted them.The numerous mines have also contributed to the slow movement.It will not be long before these divisions overcome the barriers and advance to meet up..The 55th division under the command of former SF officer Prasanna Silva has used some unconventional tactics which had left the terrorists in complete disarray and the 59th division has also shown colours by dominating the former military base of the LTTE.
The recent civilian influx has mirrored that the LTTE is losing its control over the civilians showing that the organization has completely dwindled.It has also led to the use of utterly foolish tactics.Trying to infiltrate the army FDL using an armored truck is an example.It left 34 of their hard-cores dead.Other tactics used by them to annihilate as much as possible SLA soldiers saw the same fate.
Out of the estimated 5000 cadre strong force of the LTTE ,SLA believes that about 3500 are forced recruits.So after about 1000 hard-core cadres get killed it likely that we ,Sri Lankans will achieve our goal....Total liberation.
Last Chance!!
Last Chance!!!!
Last Chance!!!!!!
Lalith's opinion poll.
Who will catch the Fat Pig
1 59
2 58
3 57
4 53
5 55
6 TF2
7 TF3
8 TF4
9 Other Division
10 Escape
Please make a selection in the Lalith's Opinion Poll.
I am collecting the names.
The winner will be annouced in two weeks
The following program explains the current war.
WHILE ( area held by LTTP > 0 AND number_of_LTTP_carders > 0)
1 LTTP stay with Civillian
2 Fire at SLA
3 SLA responses
4 Civillian & some LTTP get killed & injured
5 Dispora supporters & TamilNut publish no of casualties in the web & news papers
6 TN jockers & other LTTP supportes in other countries start agitating by protesting, fasting & other crap and asking for Ceasefire
7 International Community & India ignore
8 SLGO ignores, MR/GR/SF ignore & continue to attack LTTP and defeat
9 LTTP withdraws with Civillians (By force)
10 SLA takes over the town/areas
11 Mahen & Peter write stories about tactical withdrawals
12 Dispora supporters believe in tactical withdrawal and keep the dream alive
13 We read Mahen & Peter blogs and laugh from the ASS
Jump_to_sea() OR self_immolation() OR swallow_cn()
Situation as at 09-02-09
VP's pressure 169 141
VP's Weight 137 KG
Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
IRANAMADU East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Theavipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 01 KM
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09
VP's Asshole ?? KM
ලලිත් මේ site එක කරන්නෙ ලලිත්ඳ
machan ceylondefence,
Ohe hamudaweda netnam buddi anshayakada? mae pinthura godak anith thenwala thiyena eva. ohe kiyana wistharath api meeta kalin ahala thiyenawa. oheta denna puluwan aluth thorathuru monawada.
Honda Prashnayak Sam Perera!
With regards to the title picture on this blog front page, I am waiting till HE MR is replaced with VP. The chap behind would be the first pull the koka.
I am sick of these so called defence blogs mushrooming like...er....mushrooms, with nothing new but the same old gossip tarted up differently. I feel like starting my own blog...
Thanks guys for the wonderful comments.I really appreciate it.
Umbata mama liyapu melo deyak therune nae neda? Umbata api stuthi wune nae, hebei api prashna ahuwa. Umbata eay tikawath therenne nae neda?
Wait and see Mr.Sam Perera..
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