Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Breaking News-Puthukudirippu has fallen
Sri Lanka Army which entered the Puthukudurippu town area are now conducting operations to take control over the town.SLA 58th division and the newly formed TF 8 entered the town after breaching the earth bund.Though the town is virtually under SLA ,pockets of terrorists are still offering resistance delaying the complete capture.We believe that the government will announce the fall as soon as the area is under full control.There have been high casualties for both sides during the confrontations that took place in the past few days.SLA has suffered as high as 600 casualties in the past 4 days fighting.Fortunately most are P3 and P2 (wounded).Yesterday alone, around 25 solders were killed in action.The civilian factor has contributed a lot to this.They have limited the use of heavy weapons as well as the rapid movement of soldiers.
We have received news that the military command is preparing to stop the offensive of normal infantry and bring in Special Forces and Commandos to the battlefield as soon as the army surrounds the Civilian Safety Zone(CSZ).The special units will conduct operations backed by normal infantry when this time comes.But this is still UNCONFIRMED.
Army sources reveal that PTK,the final bastion town of LTTE has fallen to SLA.Troops entered the town after breaking through the last FDL of the tigers this morning.Now the area is being cleared and the town will be declared captured tonight or tomorrow.More information will follow...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Congratulations SLAF!
The Z-143 downed at Katunayake
We at CeylonDefence congratulate Sri Lanka air Foce for its successful counter action against the TAF air raid.SLAF has been able to finally take a breadth after destroying the Zlin-143s which had questioned SLAFs interceptor abilities.We believe that more information regarding this attack is useless as most people know the basic facts that can be revealed now.We apologize from our readers for not giving an update on time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
'Puthukuduirippu West' misunderstanding
SLA sometime ago declared that the 58th division gained control over west of PTK.This was actually not 'west of PTK' .but PTK west which is a large area covering the PTK area.The east of PTK is a small area west of the Nanthikaddal lagoon.This fact is furthur confirmed by the announcement of Army tonight, that the coastal village located inside the newly declared CSZ,Ampalawanpokkanai has been ovverun by the 58th div.Refer to the map in the link given below for further understanding of the ground situation.It is very unfortunate that the map at. Defence.lk is not properly updated for the war observers to get an idea.
Due to these developments we at CeylonDefence can predict the uniting of SL under 1 flag in a few weeks.
Due to these developments we at CeylonDefence can predict the uniting of SL under 1 flag in a few weeks.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Army sources reveal that LTTEs last bastion Puthukudirippu (PTK) is about to fall to SLA troops.According to sources, forward elements have already infiltrated the base and are preparing the background for the final push.The fall of PTK will cause a major blow to the tigers as most of their leaders are believed to be the area.Lots of military hardware is also left in PTK ,which are now hurriedly being moved to the new safe zone.We will update with more information soon.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The New Civilian Safety Zone
Today the government announced a new Civilian Safety Zone (CSZ) for the civilians in the LTTE dominated areas.According to GoSL ,this new safe zone will come into effect from today(February 12th).Although on the surface this declaration appears to be done to ensure the safety of civilians,this is actually a clever military tactic most probably proposed by Gen.Fonseka.That is why we chose to discuss this topic in this 'defence' blog.
The new CSZ or the 'no fire zone' brings many advantages to the SLA in their military operation.As we see,the main advantage to the SLA is the ability to take control over the areas in and around the previous CSZ.Most of the divisions have surrounded the old safe zone ,but were unable to move into it due to obvious reasons.Although the 58th division has crept into it,official announcement was not done due to the same reason.The presence of civilians has also dropped the pace of the operation.So with this new move we can expect the 58th,57th divisions and the task forces 2,3,4 to accelerate their move.
The 55th division moving southwards from Challai and the 59th division moving northwards from north of Mullative and south of PTK have been bogged down due to stiff resistance from the terrorists and also as I mentioned in the previous post,numerous mines.The new CSZ covers most of the areas there 2 divisions were unable to capture.So obviously this declaration is of great advantage to SLA.
The other advantage is the ability generated to take down the remaining artillery guns of LTTE.The heavy guns of LTTE which were previously placed in the CSZ now have to be moved into the new place as those areas will be acquired by SLA in the coming days.We believe that even as of this moment SLAF is targeting the artillery guns of LTTE which are being moved.But the task has been made difficult by the terrorists as they move the guns along with civilians.
But this move of GoSL will no doubt bring great results.So some good news will come out in the coming days.We at CeylonDefence would like to know your opinion about this declaration.
We recommend our readers to see the new article of 'The Long Ranger'.A link to the blog space can be found in our website.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Battle for the last bastion commences

Sri Lanka Army has now begun the battle for the last LTTE bastion Puthukuduirippu(PTK).Sources reveal that forward elements of SLA has already entered the town and are in the process of neutralizing the enemy for the infantry to enter.The 58th division from the south and the south east,TF4 from the south west are participating in the battle.The 53rd division is also participating as a backup division.All these army formations provide a man power the LTTE who is left with only about 1000-1500 hardcore cadres cannot withstand.Although the army believes that PTK will fall within 3-4 days the LTTE will continue to fight as it would still dominate the jungles north of PTK.But we believe that the whole enemy territory would be cleared by the end of next month.
While the above mentioned divisions are advancing from the south the 55th division is advancing in a southerly direction south of Chalai.Although the security forces are in a hurry to clear the coast, progress has been halted mainly due to natural barriers.As in the above map the 55th division and a part of the 59th division are both facing 2 water patches which have halted them.The numerous mines have also contributed to the slow movement.It will not be long before these divisions overcome the barriers and advance to meet up..The 55th division under the command of former SF officer Prasanna Silva has used some unconventional tactics which had left the terrorists in complete disarray and the 59th division has also shown colours by dominating the former military base of the LTTE.
The recent civilian influx has mirrored that the LTTE is losing its control over the civilians showing that the organization has completely dwindled.It has also led to the use of utterly foolish tactics.Trying to infiltrate the army FDL using an armored truck is an example.It left 34 of their hard-cores dead.Other tactics used by them to annihilate as much as possible SLA soldiers saw the same fate.
Out of the estimated 5000 cadre strong force of the LTTE ,SLA believes that about 3500 are forced recruits.So after about 1000 hard-core cadres get killed it likely that we ,Sri Lankans will achieve our goal....Total liberation.
Previous post corrected.
In the previous post we published that an LTTE APC was destroyed .Although there was some doubt earlier,now it is confirmed from photos published on Army.lk that it was not an APC but an armored lorry(Ashok Leyland type) that was destroyed.We apologize our readers for misinformation.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
LTTE APC destroyed-34 terrorists killed
53 DIVISION troops with assistant of armor troops prevented an LTTE infiltration attempt through the Security Forces Forward Defence Line (FDL) in the south of PUTHUKUDIYIRIPPU Saturday (7) afternoon.
Thirty-four terrorists in an armor-plated lorry were approaching the FDL at high speed when the troops assisted by armor tank fire destroyed vehicle killing allthe terrorist in side.
During subsequent such, troops found thirty-four dead bodies of terrorist along with their weapons.
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